Santa Claus is coming to town

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    'Cause we're Gleeks!

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    Nome Skin: Santa Claus is coming to town
    Tipo: Standard Mode (Nuovo layout)
    Anteprima: QUI
    Autore: Candy ~
    Avvertenze: E' vietato rimuovere i crediti e modificare i CCS della skin senza prima avermi chiesto il consenso. Se decidete di usarla sarebbe carino farmelo sapere! Non è obbligatorio ma almeno mi fa capire se la skin è piaciuta.

    In cima al forum

    In fondo al forum
    <div class=container1>

    <br><br><div class="credits" style="width: 200px; padding: 5px">
    Skin creata da <a href="">Candy</a> del <br><a href="">Glee // don't stop believin'</a><br>Disponibile <a href="">qui</a> e <a href="">qui</a></div></div><br><br></div>

    A_STAR:<img src="" width="15" height="15" alt="">
    FEMALE_STAR:<img src="" width="15" height="15" alt="">
    MALE_STAR:<img src="" width="15" height="15" alt="">
    F_NAV:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="F_NAV">
    C_ON:<img src="" width="41" height="33" alt="C_ON">
    C_OFF:<img src="" width="41" height="33" alt="C_OFF">
    C_ON_RES:<img src="" width="41" height="33" alt="C_ON_RES">
    C_OFF_RES:<img src="" width="41" height="33" alt="C_OFF_RES">
    C_LOCKED:<img src="" width="41" height="33" alt="C_LINK">
    F_ACTIVE:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="F_ACTIVE">
    F_STATS:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="F_STATS">
    A_POST:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>A_POST</span>
    A_REPLY:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>A_REPLY</span>
    A_POLLONLY_B:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>A_POLLONLY_B</span>
    A_LOCKED_B:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>A_LOCKED_B</span>
    M_REPLY:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>M_REPLY</span>
    M_DELETE:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>M_DELETE</span>
    M_ADDMEM:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>M_ADDMEM</span>
    M_UNREAD:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="M_UNREAD">
    M_READ:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="M_READ">
    B_PIN:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_PIN">
    B_ANNUNCIO:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_ANNUNCIO">
    B_NEW:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_NEW">
    B_NORM:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_NORM">
    B_HOT:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_HOT">
    B_HOT_NN:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_HOT_NN">
    B_POLL:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_POLL">
    B_POLL_NN:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_POLL_NN">
    B_MOVED:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_MOVED">
    B_LOCKED:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="B_LOCKED">
    NEW_POST:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="NEW_POST">
    PAG:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="PAG">
    CAT_IMG:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="view post" title="view post">
    P_DELETE:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_DELETE</span>
    P_EDIT:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_EDIT</span>
    P_QUOTE:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_QUOTE</span>
    P_MSG:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_MSG</span>
    P_EMAIL:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_EMAIL</span>
    P_CONTACTS:<img src="" alt="P_CONTACTS"> P_CONTACTS
    P_WEBSITE:<span style=font-size:7.5pt>P_WEBSITE</span>
    P_UP:<img src="" width="6" height="6" alt="Top">
    F_UP:<img src="" width="24" height="24" alt="Top">
    C_UP:<img src="" width="18" height="18" alt="Top">


    Colori e stili
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    Edited by Candy ~ - 8/1/2015, 21:16
0 replies since 27/11/2014, 22:04   533 views